Volume 5, Issue 4 (2021)                   IQBQ 2021, 5(4): 3-13 | Back to browse issues page

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Hayatolgheibi H, ameli F. Simulation of Hydrogel Injection in Micro-Model and Prediction of Oil Recovery Factor. IQBQ 2021; 5 (4) : 1
URL: http://arcpe.modares.ac.ir/article-38-51083-en.html
1- Iran university off Science and Technology , hossein.hayat1374@gmail.com
2- Iran university of Science and Technology
Abstract:   (1780 Views)
Research Subject: Global energy demand is increasing, so enhanced oil recovery techniques have incorporated in production processes. Water flooding is a common technique in oil recovery processes. One of the major challenges in this technique is heterogeneity of the reservoir structure which results in increased water production and reducing the oil recovery factor. Moreover, long-term water or chemical injection might lead to the increased horizontal and vertical heterogeneities in the reservoir. Selective blockage of high permeability areas and consequently improved production from low permeability regions is important for increasing the oil recovery factor. In recent years, using hydrogels in injection processes, has been associated with various field successes, indicating the ability of these materials for selectively blocking the areas of high permeability. Hydrogels are injected after water or polymer flooding to conduct the injected fluid to low permeability areas.
Research Approach: In this paper, hydrogel injection process was simulated in glass micromodels using Comsol Multiphysics software. Hydrogel functionality was studied in low permeability areas in porous media. Moreover, the optimized conditions for water flooding process was studies. For this purpose, after model validation, sensitivity analysis was performed on effective parameters on oil recovery factor and a mathematical model was presented to predict the oil recovery factor.
Main Results: Oil recovery factors obtained from experimental and simulation studies, were in good agreement with each other with absolute error values of 2.29% and 4.06%, for water and hydrogel flooding, respectively.
Four parameters of injection rate, contact angle, oil viscosity, and injection fluid viscosity were considered as effective parameters on oil recovery factor. Among them, contact angle was the most important parameter. In water flooding, the most important interacting parameters are viscosity and contact angle and the least important parameters are injection temperature and rate. In water flooding simulation studies, the thickness of the contact surface was obtained hmax/5, where  is 230 micrometers. For hydrogel injection, the contact surface thickness was obtained terpf.ep_default / 5.65. Terpf.ep_default is the thickness of contact surface, equal to 631 micrometers
Article number: 1
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: enhanced oil recovery
Received: 2021/03/21 | Accepted: 2022/04/25 | Published: 2022/04/25

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